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Harmonix has announced the final slate of songs for next month’s Rock Band 4, including Mumford & Son’s “The Wolf,” R.E.M.’s “The One I Love,” Gin Blossoms’ “Follow You Down,” Imagine Dragon’s “I Bet My Life,” and more. The whole tracklist list is available right here.

If you’re buying the standalone disc for Rock Band 4, it’ll cost you $20 more on Xbox One—$80 instead of $60. How come? You need a special device for your Xbox 360 hardware to to work on your Xbox One. The bundles, however, are the same price. Read more

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Rock Band 4 is coming out on October 6th. It’s got freestyle guitar solos, which let you make your own cool “reeeeer” and “waaaaah” sounds even if you’ve never touched an actual guitar and/or do not have a mouth.
