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Rob Lowe Doesn't Need An Emmy; He's Got His Rock Band Skills

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Emmy Nominations. Every year they're a minefield of snubs, bizarre choices, and outright travesties. Sometimes the only way to cope is by playing video games.

This year, a handful of great shows were overlooked by the Emmy voters. In particular (in my opinion), FX's terrific The Americans got ignored something fierce. And NBC's stellar comedy Parks and Recreation earned but a single nomination for Amy Poehler.

Poehler's costar Rob Lowe is coping with his (and his show's) snub in tried and true fashion: He's embracing the other things he's good at. Things like Rock Band.


That's right, Rob! You tell 'em!

And since you're the man who delivered this line-reading:'ll always be an Emmy-winner in my books.

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