WildStorm can't help it. They've got the games fever. A particularly nasty, Capcom-specific strain of it, which is…
Capcom has confirmed that the North American demo of Resident Evil 5 will be hitting early in the New Year. Better…
Oh dear. Looks like an important member of the RE family has passed away. An ad running in the latest issue of…
Looks like Africa wasn't all sunshine and safaris for Chris Redfield.
Resident Evil 5 isn't out yet. Nor is Bionic Commando. But that's not stopping Capcom from giving Bay Area gamers…
It seems like everyone in the world is waiting for Resident Evil 5. Even your mum. Even the Pope. Even The Pope's…
Get a look at this thing. It's pure excess. It's the Japanese collector's edition of Resident Evil 5. In Yen, it's…
Japanese gaming mag Famitsu has revealed that Xbox 360 owners will be getting a special holiday treat next week, as…
Sorry for the unsavoury headline, but, uh, we're pretty sure that's what's happening in the above picture. A zombie…
Capcom's entering the home stretch for Resident Evil 5 — or better yet, the home stretch of the home stretch. The…
Let's ask Capcom! As a follow-up to the financial results disclosed yesterday, Capcom have released some internal…
There are tons of big games coming out. (There always are!) Gears of War 2 designer Dude "Cliff Bleszinski" Huge…
We all knew, didn't we? Sure as eggs is eggs and God made little kittens, Resident Evil 5 was going to shamble on to…
Capcom's Masachika Kawata has admitted that Resident Evil 5 is heavily influenced by western-style gaming, placing…
Resident Evil 5 looks great. Jaw-dropping. Eye-popping, even. Ken Lally, who did motion capture work for RE…
What is it with these Home “custom spaces”? First Warhawk and Uncharted, then Far Cry 2, and now comes word that…
In hopes to pleasing all of the people (or at least some of them), Capcom is offering not just one, but two Resident…
Taking advantage of our early entry onto the TGS showroom floor this morning, Mike and myself popped over to Sony's…
Another great trailer for you guys! This of course comes courtesy of Capcom in honor of Tokyo Game Show and it's…
Capcom has just released a batch of twenty-two new screens for Resident Evil 5, in honor of...well quite frankly I…