Get a look at this thing. It's pure excess. It's the Japanese collector's edition of Resident Evil 5. In Yen, it's ¥12,800. In US dollars, that's $130. And it's almost worth it. It's available only to Japanese customers shopping on Capcom's online store, so if you want a copy, prepare for a nasty case of importer's inflation. That or be really nice to Ash for a week. If by some chance you do get your hands on one, here's what you'll have scored yourself:
- a USB flash drive disguised as some kind of vial/canister from the game.
- an art book.
- a shoulder/waist strap that I'm going to call a phone bandolier.
Oh, and you'll also get a copy of one of 2009's most hotly-anticipated games. Don't forget that. Biohazard 5 CE [Capcom, via Siliconera]