Using a conveniently-located typewriter to save your progress has been one of the few constants in the Resident Evil…
When it was still supposed to be shipping in 2008, Capcom forecast that Resident Evil 5 would ship 2.3 million copies
Details are important. Really important. When gamers play a title and something looks off, they notice it right…
Capcom have today released four new screens for Resident Evil 5. No idea who, exactly, at Capcom said "Hey, you…
That's Excella Gionne in the dress, a relative of the TriCell pharmaceutical founder and president of the Africa…
Resident Evil 5 is being made by a couple of folks. It's been made by a lot of folks — over 400 people, actually.…
Here we go, another RE5 screenshot bonanza. Included screens depict Sheva's tush (above) — and in the gallery,…
And another episode of Japanese-Devs-Being-Down-On-Themselves, Resident Evil 5 composer Kota Suzuki think American…
Yes! you heard it right, a new Resident Evil 5 Trailer. With each new trailer Capcom releases, the game looks that…
Among Japanese game developers, Capcom's done really well this generation. The company has launched new IPs, gone…
Forget that talk of Resident Evil 5 going to the Wii for a moment, and consider that other platform. The one that's…
Click to view G4TV just published this exclusive direct-feed of Resident Evil 5 running on the Playstation 3. The…
To recap: Capcom set Resident Evil 5 in Africa. Cue scenes of masses of African zombies, cue scenes of masses of…
Capcom released its financial statement today, revealing a 14.5 percent increase in net sales and a 110.8 percent…
With the ratings spotlight seeming to sharpen on gory games these days, will we see any sanitation in beloved horror…
When we talked to SEGA of America president Simon Jeffery at E3 last week, he showered us with knowledge and…
We wrangled up Resident Evil 5 producer Jun Takeuchi to justify, well, Resident Evil 5. Since there was no…
The whole "Res 5 is racist!!!" thing got pretty big for a while there, didn't it? Culminated in some thoughtful (and…
Resident Evil 5. An eagerly awaited game awash in a sea of racial controversy that seems silly when every morning…
Resident Evil 5's got to be one of the highlights of the show so far. It's been around for ages, I know, but it…