This year, Capcom celebrated Christmas Hanukkah early with a double-sneak peak event for games journalists.
Resident Evil 5 co-op and Bionic Commando multiplayer were ours for the pawing Tuesday night at San Francisco’s swanky Mezzanine. I wasn’t so jazzed about Bionic Commando’s multiplayer because it was set up as a tournament with some nifty lunchboxes as prizes – that’s the present you get from your estranged aunt that you have to pretend to be happy about and then stuff into a closet later. But wherever there are zombies, sign me up – the T-Virus is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
Stay tuned for my impressions for both the Japanese demo levels and the “never-before-seen” levels.
The swag from the event was modest (these are tough times, after all). I couldn't even interest my cat in getting near it.
Pictured: Gigantic (noisy) Resident Evil 5 clock, silver Bionic Commando water bottle, Capcom man-purse and two builds of the demo - for PS3 and 360 each (not for retail).
But get a load of that nifty Bionic Commando arm.
If they’d been giving that away as a prize, instead of the lunchboxes, I totally would’ve played in the tournament. As it was, I was content to sit back and let others – you know, people with an emotional investment in the game – have a go while I snacked on delicious food and tried to make the giant arm flick people off.
Bionic Commando comes out for 360, PS3 and PC sometime in 2009. Resident Evil 5 is due for PS3 and 360 on March 13, 2009.
Here, have some Resident Evil 5 screenshots:
And some from Bionic Commando, too: