Anonymous tipster sends this - the incentive prize 100 GameStop managers can win, based on breaking launch night…
This is more exposition on the story of Resident Evil 5 than I've received in a year of watching trailers, playing…
Speaking at this week's DICE conference in Las Vegas, Resident Evil 5 producer Jun Takeuchi talked about Japan's…
Capcom has released new screenshots of its upcoming multi-platform survival horror title Resident Evil 5.
Resident Evil 5's camera angles were created with a virtual camera, one of only four in the world. It will be the…
Not content to rock gamers in February and March with Street Fighter IV and Resident Evil 5, Capcom just signed a…
In January, rumours surfaced regarding a special, limited edition red Xbox 360 that would be released in conjunction…
Multiple anonymous tipsters have sent us word, and picture, of Game Crazy's Resident Evil 5 preorder gift, which is…
Last few months, Mad Catz have been doing their best to convince us they've turned a corner. Are now putting out…
It only took one and a half chapters of Resident Evil 5 to convince me that everything I thought about the game,…
Best Buy's zombie-packed Resident Evil 5 launch event will be getting some help from the U.S. Army which will be on…
The Resident Evil series is no longer about the scares. It's moved on. Most people now say it's about the running…
We'll be posting our own impressions of the game a bit later in the day. To hold you over here's part one of…
Best Buy may be taking a page from Hollywood premiere events for big video game events in the future. The change is…
Those wondering how much anticipation there is for Capcom's Resident Evil 5 need look no further than the following…
You might have missed it what with the first review being in and the Killzone 2 demo coming out this week - but just…
The U.S. Official PlayStation Magazine has finished putting Capcom's latest survival horror romp through its paces,…
You know, in Left 4 Dead, I often find myself saying, "Hey, self, where are Zoey's boobs at?" Well, Resident Evil 5…
Lots of you have pointed us to this - a highway roadside sign in Austin, Texas, warning of ZOMBIES AHEAD. Is this…
This follow-up to the first Resident Evil live-action viral ad, Ceremony, sees the ever-scruffy Chris Redfield on a…