Sensing that there will be grown-ups willing to part with serious cash money in the wake of Resident Evil 5's…
Multi-platform title Resident Evil 5 went on sale in Japan. Big game on sale in Japan means one thing: Lines of…
The above picture was taken at major Japanese retailer Bic Camera on March 4. Resident Evil 5 does not go on sale on…
If you'll be in the Los Angeles area on March 13th and have some spare blood lying around, stop by Capcom's Resident…
Richard Wilcox, the executive producer behind the Playr Resident Evil 5 special that aired this weekend on cable…
Packed with zombies, the real U.S. Army and a short fright show, the Stroudsburg, PA Best Buy's launch event for Res…
Microsoft cleverly ties-in existing product to a major game release, timing the European debut of the red Xbox 360…
When the Resident Evil 5 trailer was first shown, it raised some eyebrows. Some were critical, saying the…
If you live in the UK make sure to catch the Resident Evil 5 special that's airing this weekend.
Microsoft's Larry "Major Nelson" Hyrb shot this quick video of an unboxed Xbox 360 Elite Limited Edition Resident…
Video games can be beneficial. They better our children's hand-eye coordination, spatial relationship understanding…
The protagonists of Resident Evil 5 are fairly easy on the eye. For the ladies, Chris Redfield has been hitting the…
Following in the footsteps of their excellent Street Fighter IV Training Manual, Capcom just sent me a copy of…
With the chance to ask Capcom serious, important business questions following the company's recent financial…
Microsoft has released pictures of the Exclusive Red Xbox 360 Resident Evil Limited Edition Console, which was…
While the appearance of the red Xbox 360 on Xbox Live doesn't confirm the machine's existence - we took care of that …
Resident Evil 5 is the first new (core) RE game in four years. It's also the first to launch simultaneously on…
With less than a month to go before Resident Evil 5 hits, 1Up is digging into the game to unearth a lot of new…
This ad features button-mashing and focuses on co-operative play, and Kuriyama appears with actor Yoichi Nukumizu.…