Xbox 360 owners' wait for Dead Rising 2 just got a bit more tolerable, with the announcement of an exclusive…
From seeds planted back in August of last year springs Plants Vs. Zombies for the iPhone, ready to grow and groan…
The next big Fallout game, Fallout: New Vegas will be out for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 this fall, publisher…
Square Enix has announced an April North American release date for Cavia-developed action-adventure game Nier, not…
FireSky announces a February 10th release date for PC third-person online shooter Stargate Resistance, "the first…
Welcome to Caldera, a peaceful little town in the Nevada Territories, at least until a powerful secret hidden in…
Blood flows free in the streets of Renaissance Italy anew come March 16th, when the PC version of Assassin's Creed…
During Electronic Arts' fiscal year 2010 update call today, CEO John Riccitiello cited Star Wars: The Old Republic…
Don't be sad! Quantic Dreams' interactive cinematic exploration of sorrow now has an official release date of…
Halo anime anthology Halo Legends is coming to North American DVD and Blu-Ray on February 16th. Which of the three…
Georgia-based Hi-Rez Studios is finally gearing up for the release of their futuristic team-based shooter,…
Level-5's epic PlayStation 3 RPG finally makes it to the states in February, filled with extras and re-branded as…
The long-running Japanese Heracles series makes its North American debut next month, when Nintendo unleashes Glory…
Square Enix has announced a March release date for Just Cause 2, in which secret agent Rico Rodriguez parachutes…
Koei has announced a February release date for Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3,…
A European release window yesterday becomes a definitive U.S. release date today for Supreme Commander 2, with a…
Square Enix has announced a Spring 2010 release window in Europe for Gas Powered Games' RTS Supreme Commander 2,…
Tiberian Twilight colors the PC gaming horizon on March 16th, and EA has dropped details on the preorder goodies…
February is a month for love, and there is no greater love than a fan's love of Star Trek, so it's appropriate that…
Attention PC gamers and Xbox 360 owners - your free time dies in a week and a half. Gyromancer, the unholy union of …