File this under "insightful": EA Sports boss and part-time tattoo aficionado Peter Moore has told Eurogamer that his…
EA Sports marches the big numbers out onto the field, announcing that as of this week, more than 500 million online…
No, we haven't been privy to a sneak peek at the newest guaranteed Madden-branded blockbuster, we're just making an…
Now that former Xbox exec Peter Moore is well established at EA Sports, he's probably going to be willing to spill…
This week's Xbox Live Arcade addition The Dishwasher features a great shout out to EA Sports bossman Peter Moore,…
EA Sports meister Peter Moore has a Madden challenge for you. What game improvements can you detect in the first…
With the regular Wii-mote, you can sit on the sofa and play Wii Sports with the flick of your wrist. Not true with…
Back when Peter Moore went all "WTF" to Eurogamer, the EA Sports exec was baffled about World of Goo making the Top…
We wish there were more executives like Peter Moore, the kind who wonder where the f.... hell their game is on the…
Times are tough. Economically speaking, at least. And when times are tough, people have less money to spend, and…
Remember when EA said they were looking at ways they could take a chunk out of Nintendo's Wii Fit market? Well, they…
Attention all professional athletes who use Kotaku as your primary news source: if you want to secure the…
According to ESPN, the NBA Street series is officially "on hiatus." Yes, we know. The trail of tears forms to the…
Larry Probst, chairman of Electronic Arts, has been elected chairman of the U.S. Olympic Committee, the Colorado…
EA Sports bossman Peter Moore, formerly of Microsoft and Sega, thinks Rare is bunch of "great people." He also…
Today's Friday, and Guardian's Peter Moore week has drawn to a close. And today, instead of telling us how he killed…
All the Peter Moore you can handle! In today's latest Guardian fireside chat with the businessman,…
Two sides of the same story here. On the one side, ex-Xbox man Peter Moore, who explains how the decision to include…
Former Microsoft, current EA Sports exec Peter Moore continues to pull no punches in a series of interviews he's…
After Peter Moore killed the Dreamcast (damn him!) and fired a buncha people (ouch), he was feeling down. Moore was…