Twin Mirror, the latest game from Life is Strange developer Dontnod, is a dark psychological thriller set in a…
Everyone loves a good sugar rush. It’s why, no matter how big the backlog, we gravitate to games that could…
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla isn’t a difficult game. If you venture at all off the beaten path, you’ll quickly accrue…
According to an unlisted video on Atlus’ YouTube channel, since pulled, the Dynasty Warriors-style sequel to Persona…
Per Aspera is a new PC game out this week that has you playing as an AI responsible for terraforming Mars. You’re…
Immortals: Fenyx Rising isn’t the game I was expecting. I was prepared for a big Ubisoft open-world action game…
Unlike World of Warcraft’s Legion and Battle For Azeroth expansions, which gave players a choice on which zones to…
Earlier today, I wrote about how I’ve been playing a whole lot of Destiny 2 these days. I messed around with…
Ahhh, I really wanted to like this game. But as hard as it tries, and as much fun as it has with the source…
Final Fantasy XIV’s final update of 2020, Futures Rewritten patch 5.4, launches on December 8. Along with new dungeons, main story quests, and trials, the patch adds Explorer Mode, which lets players explore dungeons and take screenshots without worrying about getting murdered by enemies. I’m down for some of that.
It’s often a letdown when a holiday ends, but at least this week has some games to be excited about. Ubisoft’s Zelda-…
Faces of Evil and Wand of Gamelon were the first two of three Zelda games Nintendo published on the ill-fated…
Crusader Kings III got a free update this week, introducing a new “ruler designer” that lets you completely…
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is the newest expansion in the online WoW universe—its eighth, to be exact. It picks…
The most fascinating characters in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla are the bit players. There’s the unmistakable nod to a…
That’s right, it’s Crusader Kings III patch notes time.
Monkey Island turned 30 this year, and as part of the celebrations the Video Game History Foundation have put…
There’s a lot wrong with modern football, but few influences have been as toxic as big-time agents, whose conduct…
A new year, a new expansion, a new Destiny 2. With Beyond Light, Bungie’s six-year-old loot shooter looks as…
I am not very surprised when Ubisoft announces that one of its big games will get piles of post-release expansions.…