Not only do players of completely accurate aquatic murder simulator Maneater get to mutate into the garbage-munching…
I think it’s pretty safe to say that 2020's flavor of the month, of the year, is here. Fall Guys is a tail-grabbing,…
Though all of the action in Fast & Furious Crossroads, the star-studded video game side story to the long-running…
Summer continues on and so too does the drought of big games. A good time to finish up some games on your backlog!
Horizon Zero Dawn’s release on PC is welcome, but for a lot of people right now the game’s performance isn’t exactly…
Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout is taking the gaming world by storm. The party platformer battle royale, out this week…
Fall Guys looks easy until you try it. Then you realize that it’s not about claiming glorious victory over…
Spelunky 2 is coming out on September 15. That’s very soon! The release date was announced as part of Sony’s State of Play event today, alongside online multiplayer for the spelunking sequel, which is a followup to one of the most revered roguelikes of all time.
Serious Sam 4 has suffered a small delay. Originally set to come out this month on Stadia and PC, it’s now not releasing until September 24. It’s still not clear when the game will eventually come to consoles. The Stadia exclusivity deal appears to go into 2021.
Aloy wasn’t originally designed to roll around post-apocalyptic jungles, deserts and snow peaks at 120 frames per…
Last night a temporary glitch hit some Steam users in the worst way possible, removing games and additional…
On Monday, developer Crystal Dynamics announced that Spider-Man will be coming to Marvel’s Avengers sometime next…
When it comes to depicting the prejudices of historical time periods, most video games sidestep the issue. They…
This past weekend I got a chance to step into the sneakers, armored boots, and severely distressed cut-offs of some…
There’s a lot to love about Fall Guys, the new battle royale game out on PS4 and PC this week, but I’m here today to…
Bill English, one of the two men responsible for the invention of the computer mouse you may be resting your hand on…
Sometimes, you don’t know how much you want something until you realize it may have already slipped through your…
Snowman’s incredibly chill snow/sandboarding games, Alto’s Adventure and Alto’s Oddysey, are coming to consoles and PC. The two games are combined into one as The Alto Collection, launching August 13 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC via the Epic Game Store, with a Switch version coming at a later date.
Amateur games historian Eon Fafnir posted a clip of this 1990 local news story about LucasArts (then still known as…
When people hail the pioneering classics of the RTS genre, they go through a list of usual suspects. Games like Cytro…