Before one of the designers of The Outer Worlds talked to me about the game he worked on, he commented on the Buffy…
This week, my colleague Jason Schreier and I had a chance to sit in on a demo for The Outer Worlds, the newest game…
Jason Lewis, a senior environment artist for Obsidian Entertainment, started a personal project earlier this year…
Most of us probably spent hours in the first town of Fallout: New Vegas. Here, you can watch someone beat the entire…
A massive vampire battle, ginger doll thieves and an entire town dedicated to Christmas—these are just some of…
Bullying takes many different forms. It was the worst for me when it came under the guise of friendship.
In the “objective video game review” sense, Alpha Protocol is pretty much the worst. It’s super irritating to play,…
Most games force tutorials on the player near the start of a new adventure. But Fallout is a game all about…
Maybe it’s the fact that original science fiction based MMORPG games come along so rarely, or maybe it’s just that Sk…
Pillars of Eternity is a lovely CRPG, but it's a lovely CRPG from Obsidian Entertainment, a developer that's be…
If you like RPGs you must play Pillars of Eternity. If you like RPGs but only have five minutes, you must play…
After spending more than a thousand hours playing Fallout: New Vegas, a YouTuber called Many A True Nerd decided to…
Pillars of Eternity has been shuffling release dates for a little while, but Obsidian Entertainment sound pretty confident about March 26. The old school RPG raised $3.9 million on Kickstarter back in October 2012, and it was supposed to come out in spring 2014. Then, it was late 2014. Now, it's March 26. Hopefully!
What better way to make the wait for Fallout 4 news more torturous than to look back on some of what made the older…
Pillars of Eternity has been delayed until "early 2015," publisher Paradox Interactive just announced. The exciting-looking RPG was originally supposed to come out later this year. Read more
One of the best things to do in South Park: The Stick of Truth is to wander around and check every corner for funny references. I bet Stan's father already called the number on that Minecraft ad. He had some issues finding out how to tame a Minecraft horse in one of the episodes... Read more
"No, Uplay will not be featured in South Park: The Stick of Truth." Obsidian Entertainment, on whether Steam users would have to use Ubisoft's online platform to play the game. They later clarified that on PC, Stick of Truth would be "a Steam game, with Steam achievements," and that "Uplay was not integrated at all."
This fresh screenshot the devs at Obsidian released for their upcoming RPG Project Eternity is just too damn…
If you enjoyed Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II and hate Electronic Arts, then this next sentence should…