Yesterday the developers at Obsidian announced that even though The Outer Worlds came out nearly five months ago, they’re still hard at work on improving its font sizes.
This is great news since the original text in The Outer Worlds was too damn small, and while Obsidian added a large font option shortly after release, it’s still not always big enough. As someone who beat the game on Xbox One while sitting on the couch in my living room, my eyes are still recovering from the strain.
Rather than simply add an option for even bigger text, the game’s upcoming patch will change the settings option into a slider so you can choose just how much bigger you want the text to get. The patch is planned to come out sometime this week.
One of Obsidian’s programmers responsible for implementing the new feature shared a number of GIFs on Twitter showing the changes in action. They’re absolutely beautiful to gaze upon:
While a font size slider is great and something every game should have, the upcoming patch will also add a couple other cool improvements, like a toggle to turn sprinting on permanently and better item drops for Manti-Queens, which I have wasted so much time trying to kill only to get rubbish.
Even better, the game’s map will finally track multiple quests at once so you no longer have to look through the quest menu to see where you need to go next to complete a mission. Still not as nifty as Borderlands 3’s quest cycling system, but a huge time saver nonetheless.