We saw a lot of cool things during today’s Xbox presentation at E3 2021. Starfield, Halo Infinite multiplayer, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 all look fantastic, but they pale in comparison to the Grounded segment, through which the devs at Obsidian Entertainment used the biggest stage in gaming to reveal that players of the miniature survival game will soon be able to sit in the furniture they build.
Okay, sure, sitting is just part of a larger Grounded expansion known as the Shroom and Doom Update, but apparently the ability to plop down in a chair was a common enough request from the community that Obsidian has finally seen fit to add to the game. Come to think of it, it is pretty strange that the developers put two different chairs in Grounded with no way for characters to actually enjoy, so I’m glad players finally have the opportunity to kick up their feet between resource-gathering excursions.
Other additions include mushroom-based buildings, a cute little aphid pet for players to tame, and a huge spider boss known as the Broodmother. Seems like a really good opportunity to check out the game’s arachnophobia accessibility settings if you haven’t already, though seeing anything in a dark cave is enough to give me a fright, blob or no. And if you’ve been waiting to earn precious points for your achievements, that aspect of the work-in-progress game is going to be unlocked as well.
Obsidian Entertainment first released Grounded on Xbox One and PC in 2020, allowing players to live out their own Honey, I Shrunk the Kids adventures as miniaturized teens abandoned in an expansive backyard environment. The developers have kept the game fresh with frequent content updates, and in the time since launch, the game has also received an upgraded Xbox Series X/S version.
Grounded’s Shroom and Doom update arrives June 30.