Marathon, the classic FPS series that made Bungie kinda-famous before Halo made them really famous, has been…
Mario Kart 7 | Totilo and I both had our 3DS in the office today, look what I picked up through Street Pass.
Glitch, the casual MMO that's the work of the creators of Flickr and Katamari Damacy, launched with a ton of…
Yu Kobayashi, that's what. The Japanese voice actress, known for her twisted drawings, sets her sights on…
Despite the impending release of its successor, the PlayStation Vita, the PlayStation Portable is going out in…
Junk Jack | At some point I will be writing this up, but for now I just need to enthuse about my latest iPhone…
We've previously talked about how Square Enix's first Vita game will give you an army of goblins that you control…
Mass Effect 2 was meant to feature more Citadel missions than it ultimately wound up with. Rather than see good…
Marcin Iwinski, CEO of Witcher developers CD Projekt, utters a little common sense as a palette cleanser to…
It's no Neverwinter Nights, but the upcoming Neverwinter online game is still Dungeons & Dragons and it's still Nev…
Zombie paradise action game Dead Island may have been out since early September, but it's only now that the Germans…
Later this week, the PS3 will update to a nice, clean, round number: v4.0. Those hoping for something drastic will…
GINGER LUKE | An edible AT-AT from @blackmarketbake @discoverycube as seen on Twitter via ThinkGeek.
Confessed mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik was legally insane when he killed nearly 80 people, many children,…
To be clear, the legal sale of Battlefield 3 in Iran has never exactly been widespread. But as is the way of the…
Thought it was stupid and awful that Namco Bandai was releasing Ridge Racer with only three tracks? Wait until you…
Dragon Shout is an iPhone app that wants to be your digital journal for Skyrim. And from the sounds of it, may…
Tenugui | Q-Games Dylan Cuthbert sent me this lovely tenugui to celebrate his company's 10th anniversary this month.…
Whether it be Anonymous standing up to Scientology or protestors in Zuccotti Park, the Guy Fawkes mask has become an…
The PS3 version of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is buggy. Since launch, PS3 owners have been encountering…