Thought it was stupid and awful that Namco Bandai was releasing Ridge Racer with only three tracks? Wait until you hear what the DLC is.
There's free weekly DLC planned—but it's music from previously released Ridge Racer games.
According to Japanese game magazine Famitsu, in February 2012, Namco will release a "Ridge Racer Pass", which is a collection of all the DLC released between February and May. It will cost ¥1,600 (US$21) but those who purchase it by Feb. 29, can get it for ¥1,000 ($13).
The breakdown of DLC is ¥250 ($3.20) for one car and ¥400 ($5.10) for one track. More cars will become available in March, April, and May as well as more free music packs. As previously mentioned, Ridge Racer owners can buy them as a bundle or individually.
If you want a Ridge Racer music melody or a new song, that will cost you: ¥100 ($1.29) each, actually.
Oh, did I mention that the game runs at 30 frames per second? The game runs at 30 frames per second.
On the scale of 1 to 10, with ten being the most desirable, my interest in owning this game is negative 50.
F1120: PSV「リッジレーサー」DLC等の配信スケジュールが判明 [■■速報@保管庫(Alt)■■]
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