They're some of the most memorable opponents/victims in all of gaming, but the Colossi in Shadow of the Colossus…
Zynga rocketed to fame with titles like FarmVille and Mafia Wars. When Mafia Wars 2 launched, the number of players…
As promised, you can now aim in Uncharted 3 a little more like you could in the first two games in the series. [Naugh…
Brendan McNamara, whose LA Noire project resulted in a good game and a shuttered studio, has ended up at the same…
It seems Sony could well be working on its own take on Smash Bros., Nintendo's beloved first-party fighting game…
Customers shopping for games at the Wal-Mart in Porter Ranch, San Fernando Valley got a little more than they…
Microsoft's Xbox Live Arcade is having its own Black Friday sale, with Fallout 3 25% off and Marvel vs Capcom 2 a…
At 12:30am EST tonight, tune into GTTV Presents GameStop Unwrapped: GTTV on Spike to catch some of your favourite…
Ubisoft has no idea on the topic of piracy and the PC market. None. It must be embarrassing for lower-downs at the…
The DreamHack festivals, held throughout the year in Sweden, are the world's biggest LAN parties. How big is big?…
Now, you can't really undress your fighters in King of Fighters XIII. However, you can customize them. You know what…
Earlier this week, British tabloid The Sun ran a story, pointing to a series of "phishing" con jobs that were…
Earlier this week, the hilarious Twitter account tapping into the genius of game designer Peter Molyneux was…
I like Ridge Racer. It's a guilty pleasure. And I was actually thinking of getting the next game. That is, until I…
One of the more maddening aspects of the Xbox 360 has been Microsoft's insistence on a "two model" strategy. A…
Starting this weekend, EA will be handing out vouchers for free copies of Battlefield 1943 to those who bought Battle…
This weekend being Thanksgiving weekend in the US, there'll be millions of Xbox gamers lounging around, sleeping off…
A Winter Tails | Sonic and Tales have a snowball fight in this sculpture created by @BlueSonikku for Sega of America
Sure, it's natural to raise an eyebrow or two when a publication like The Sun warns of XBOX CYBER FRAUD, but in this…
A recent survey has found an estimated 50% of World of Warcraft's playerbase has grown tired of the game. It also…