An employee of Canada's EB Games (read: GameStop) has let us know that, in one of the company's shittier moves in…
Multinational retailer GameStop is facing a lawsuit from its own employees over security checks the company performs…
Ahead of Black Friday madness in the US, here's two deals in particular to keep an eye out for.
A Bright Set of Morons | Look! Just in time for the holidays. Portal-themed flashlights. One's a turret the other's…
Phishing scans are not unique to the Xbox 360. They aren't even unique to game consoles. Anytime you connect to the…
Never mind that the rollout for Call of Duty Elite, Call of Duty's stat tracking and social service, hasn't been…
At Minecon, Minecraft's big convention held over the weekend, a panel revealed some terrifying statistics on not…
Vector doesn't only have a customized bedroom, he has a Portal bedroom, complete with Companion Cubes and an…
Ugly Christmas Sweater T-Shirt? | This Threadless shirt was inspired by "bad sweater Christmas parties," we're told.
Last summer, Tales producer Makoto Yoshizumi obliquely tweeted, "Meetings and conferences, sleepiness and struggle,…
The original Tomb Raider movies were over-the-top and comic bookish. Since the game is being rebooted, the movies…
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has four graphics settings. Earlier this month, Kotaku showed those settings—Low,…
Ishikawa is famous for its lacquer ware. For centuries, skilled craftsmen have produced Yamanaka lacquer ware.…
Not content with the knowledge that Modern Warfare 3 was always going to sell a ton more copies than supposed rival B…
Evan was only just saying we needed more LEGO Minecraft, and whaddya know, LEGO builder Chris Malloy obliges.
While the addition of multiplayer game modes to Mass Effect 3 has rankled some long-time fans of the series,…
First hinted at in a leaked Black Friday flyer, Best Buy employees are now confirming with Kotaku that, yes, the…
Spec Ops: The Line | I played a couple hours of 2K Game's Heart of Darkness-inspired shooter Spec Ops: The Line…
It's the Xbox 360. Maybe you've heard of it? Today, Microsoft and the National Football League announced a…
There's an argument, a very good argument, that whenever a game launches with downloadable content alongside it,…