The NXE didn't just hit in the US and Europe. It hit the world over. How's the rest of the world taking things?…
While the NXE's ability to let you install 360 games to your HDD is mostly a good thing (no more disc read errors at …
Considering the scale of the operation, the roll-out of the New Xbox Experience went pretty damn well. Didn't,…
Now that the New Xbox Experience has been globally launched, it's time to brace for the impact. Outside of a few erro…
Seems like the New Xbox Experience isn't rolling out quite as smoothly as one would have hoped. Reports are…
Kotakuite Nate sends us in a helpful tip for not only sharing our New Xbox Experience avatars online, but also…
If you've got the New Xbox Experience, you'll no doubt have already made yourself an avatar. And no doubt frowned a…
Writing on his blog, Microsoft's Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb has told Xbox 360 users that, while the New Xbox…
You've been hearing a lot of stuff about the New Xbox Experience over the last few months. How it'll change the 360,…
The selection of movies that one can stream from Netflix to the Xbox 360 just got a bit smaller, as a batch of…
If you've turned on your Xbox 360 this evening and been greeted with a request to update your system, only to find…
Upon completing your download of the New Xbox Experience via your trusty Xbox and finishing the install, you'll…
I've been playing around with the New Xbox Experience. It's pretty neat! The avatars, I can live with or without,…
On Gamerscore Blog, Major Nelson explains the functionality of two new features — parties and photos — coming to the…
Epic Games president and connoisseur of "cool stuff" Mike Capps believes that Microsoft is winning the battle for…
Did you grab that torrented New Xbox Experience? Don't think you're going to get much value out of it.
Click to view Perhaps the best new feature of the New Xbox Experience is the ability to install 360 games to your…
The New Xbox Experience is almost here, meaning those lovable, Rare-designed Avatars that Microsoft has squeezed…
Thousands of new Xbox 360 Avatars will be created this week, as Microsoft will begin the New Xbox Experience Preview…
One of the more exciting additions to the Xbox 360 is the streaming of Netflix movies for subscribers of the video…