A Taiwanese gaming site has posted cards detailing the movesets for characters Street Fighter X Tekken, due for…
If you allow people the freedom to create things, you can count on this: sex. Just look at all the dick faces people…
Not yet four years has passed, but check out how the latest SoulCalibur compares to SoulCalibur IV. Can you spot the…
While we prepare to beat our opponents into submission using a series of punches and kicks, Namco Bandai prepares to…
And you thought the giant boobs were crass? Ha! This is another advert for upcoming fighting game SoulCalibur V.…

We've known for a while that Kuro and Toro, the Sony cat mascots, would find their way into Street Fighter X Tekken…

Revealed today, the unannounced role-playing game Namco Bandai teased in Famitsu is Tokitowa.
Nothing lasts forever. Not you, not me, and certainly not game companies. Just ask Midway, Pandemic, and Acclaim.…
Tekken character Alisa Bosconovitch is getting the bishojo ("beautiful young girl") treatment from famed Japanese…
The Gunpla Builders World Cup 2011 is the world cup of Gunpla, or Gundam plastic model building. With entries from…

They are building the life-sized Gundam—again! They being these folks in hardhats and overalls.

Here's a pure hype video for Tekken Tag Tournament 2, to be shown later tonight at the Spike Video Game Awards.…
Earlier this year Polish developer CD Projekt Red got into a legal scuffle with Namco Bandai over the distribution…
Remember R.B.I. Baseball? The classic sports title for the Nintendo Entertainment System? This gamer is so confident…

So, fighting game fans everywhere know that Namco and Capcom will be pitting their marquee martial arts franchises…
If Yoda and Darth Vader were happy enough to appear on SoulCalibur IV's box art , you can bet SoulCalibur V would…
Thought it was stupid and awful that Namco Bandai was releasing Ridge Racer with only three tracks? Wait until you…
I like Ridge Racer. It's a guilty pleasure. And I was actually thinking of getting the next game. That is, until I…
For a bunch of itinerant warriors chasing after a sentient, demonic weapon all over the medieval world, the…
Last summer, Tales producer Makoto Yoshizumi obliquely tweeted, "Meetings and conferences, sleepiness and struggle,…