When the Tekken film was released, it was so bad that Tekken's video game producer Katsuhiro Harada publically…
Tales games are generally known for high fantasy, but the next one will take a new route, according to a report.
Project X Zone is an upcoming 3DS collaboration between Capcom, Namco Bandai, and Sega. The game features characters…
As previously posted, Namco is working on a new Tales role-playing game. Here is the countdown clock if you are into…
In puzzle game Dancing Eyes, the goal is to cut out swatches of cloth from young girls' clothing. Namco planned to do
The way that licensed products are remixed and reworked in China is endlessly fascinating. Thanks to lax laws (laws…
Downloadable content. Everyone hates it—but everyone buys it. Yes, even you in the comments, smart guy. Here's a…
Capcom's caught a lot of heat for the on-disc locked content that shipped with Street Fighter x Tekken. Fans have…
This summer, Alisa from Namco's monster hunting game God Eater Burst is getting her own figurine. It's not very…
Project X Zone is an upcoming collaboration from Capcom, Sega, and Namco. The game is a role-playing sim and…
Sega. Capcom. Namco. The three game companies are collaborating on a new role-playing 3DS game called Project X Zone.
Thrilling! Day two of Namco Bandai's drip-fed PR continues. In this installment of irritating corporate promotion,…
Another teaser website. Sick of them yet? This latest one from Namco Bandai is for a new title. The teaser site has…
Pac-Man is having a hell of a career second act in fighting games. Of course, he is one of the free characters in S…
Today, Bandai Namco revealed that it was working on a brand new Super Robot Wars game for the PS Vita. It showed no…
Welcome back to "Menu Music," our regular Kotaku Melodic feature where we look at (and listen to) the best and worst…
With Tekken Unlimited Tag Tournament 2 (temp title), Tekken Tag 2 is coming to Japanese arcades. Besides tag team,…
We already knew that SoulCalibur V's character creator is powerful enough to allow you to create all sorts of messes,…
Today, Bandai Namco, known as Namco Bandai in the West, revealed it's created a new studio called Bandai Namco…
A Taiwanese gaming site has posted cards detailing the movesets for characters Street Fighter X Tekken, due for…