We know that DC Universe Online's recent switch from subscription-based MMO to free-to-play added one million…
Yesterday I asked you folks to vote on what sort of character you'd like me to create for my brief weekend visit…
I've been trying to succinctly summarize the Templars of Funcom's upcoming paranormal MMO all week long, and then…
That's right; less than a month before the start of early access and I've finally made it into the beta test for Sta…
Your long struggle is now over, EVE Online players, as CCP gears up for the November 29 release of its 15th free…
In the dark mirror reflection of our planet that is Funcom's upcoming MMO The Secret World, three secret societies…
Last year EverQuest II dipped its toes in free-to-play waters splitting its services into two separate games: The…
With yesterday's addition to the PlayStation Network and today's flipping of the switch on the PC version, DC…
It's Republic versus Empire, good versus not-so-good, and most importantly, player versus player onboard the…
Have you or someone you know spent years cultivating an Alliance-side guild in World of Warcraft, only to realize…
The real world and the Digital World collide once more (in English!) as Joymax officially launches Digimon Masters,…
I honestly was not expecting Mists of Pandaria to really be the next expansion pack for World of Warcraft, but here…
Three races vie for control over the one planet in the universe that contains an abundant supply of the element…
Of the three secret societies vying for domination of the world's hidden side in Funcom's upcoming supernatural MMO …
Previously slated for release December 20 in North America and 22 in Europe, EA and BioWare scootch the Euro release…
Gold famring boggles the brightest of minds, as Neal Stephenson discusses the inspiration for his novel Reamde…
No matter which profession you choose or how much of a dick you are, BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic loads…
After accidentally getting thousands of gamers' (myself included) hopes up with an erroneous beta email, BioWare…
After more than seven years as the most popular subscription-based massively multiplayer online superhero…
Phase one of guild creation for The Old Republic is complete, resulting in thousands of pre-game guilds just waiting…