We already knew Mirror’s Edge Catalyst was coming, but E3 brought us the first details on the series reboot.
How to bring Mirror’s Edge to life: lift some visual cues and sound bytes from the game, stick a GoPro on your head…
For the longest time, Mirror’s Edge 2 has seemed like one of those sequels that needed to happen but probably never…
Here’s EA’s upcoming (announced) lineup for the next year or so. The news? Mirror’s Edge is slated for Q4 (January-March 2016), as is a new Plants vs. Zombies game. (Screengrab via EA’s presentation for Q4 2015.)
It's no wonder that audiences have been clamoring for a Mirror's Edge sequel since its release in 2008. DICE's brief…
I've seen a metric brick-stick-fuck-ton of game location recreations in Minecraft, but I don't think one's ever come…
Until we find out, we have some great fan art to look at.
Mirror's Edge was born to be high-res. The latest shots up at Dead End Thrills show Dice's first-person runner looking sharper than ever. Pleeeease don't let Mirror's Edge 2 suck, pleeeeease don't let Mirror's Edge 2 suck...
Dead End Thrills posted a few dozen gorgeous new high-res Mirror's Edge screenshots this week. These three are my favorites. Read more
EA showcased some new footage of Mirror's Edge 2, and boy, Faith doesn't look like someone you want to mess around…
In case you were wondering if Mirror's Edge 2 will be making an appearance at E3 2014, here's some concept art posted to the Mirror's Edge Facebook page today, tagged #E32014.
One of this week's ten new desktop wallpapers. You'll find more at each link:
I could write about Mirror's Edge all day. About how much I love it, how important it's been to this generation of…
A month or so back, I got to spend an hour with the Oculus Rift VR headset—most of which I spent swooning over Portal 2
I can’t tell if these guys are imitating Mirror’s Edge, or if this video is just a testament to how well the game…
Jokes referencing the villager character of the new Smash Bros. started to get stale a few days after E3. Then,…
I love Mirror's Edge so much I'm not going to get into it here, but the game had its faults. All those indoor bits,…
Mirror's Edge 2 was just announced. Online across the globe, gamers are excited. While many are looking forward to…
It’s the kind of thing that been teased and reported multiple times over the last few years but you’ve never wanted…