The upcoming Medal of Honor reboot and Battlefield Bad Company 2 might very well have the best gun noises gaming…
Modern warfare first-person shooters have a new contender in Medal of Honor, EA's current day reboot of the former…
Electronic Arts' reboot of the Medal of Honor series will be out this October, the publisher announced this morning.
If like to do your shooting from the comfort and convenience of a long distance, Medal of Honor will let you get…
Gamers have needs. They have requests for the games that they play, some of these demands surprisingly specific.…
They say they don't even know what their next game will be yet. But the former lead men behind Modern Warfare 2 tell…
This fall, one of the biggest war video game franchises will be set in a current war, the conflict in Afghanistan.…
Something tells me that most every Medal of Honor trailer between now and its release is going to feature the…
Bringing back an old franchise that withered isn't easy. Bringing back Medal of Honor the way it's coming back this…
When Modern Warfare took off towards a nuclear-tipped fantasy land, it left a hole in the market for a realistic…
EA seems particular fond on the door kicking-in scene in its re-launch of the Medal of Honor series, showcasing it…
The debut trailer for Medal of Honor at the Video Game Awards was entertaining, but as these things are designed, it…
Tonight's Spike TV VGAs offered new video reveals that were part expected, part surprise. From the expected camp…
As many have noticed, the title man for the newly announced Medal of Honor is reminiscent of another Afghanistan…
Just hours before EA officially announced the long-rumored return of its Medal of Honor franchise, the company's…
Electronic Arts has officially announced the reinvention of its first-person shooter war game Medal of Honor,…
In a memo to employees today, Nick Earl, EA Games Label senior VP, confirmed the closure of Pandemic Studios LA. He…
Modern is the new World War II. Sources tell website MCV that the next entry in EA's Medal of Honor series will be…
Electronic Arts will be revealing its plans to "revitalize" its more successful "core IP"—specifically the Medal of…
EA CEO John Riccitiello made first official mention of the continuing Medal of Honor franchise today during the…