Why spend mere hundreds of dollars on a fancy flight stick for your flight simulator needs when you can spend thousan…
Call of Duty: Black Ops wasn't a huge game for just Activison and Treyarch, it was also a big deal for Mad Catz,…
When Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 hit last year it arrived in stores escorted by a virtual phallanx of tie-ins of…
The Limited Edition Call of Duty: Black Ops ProGaming Headset comes in a slick travel case and includes spare ear…
Folks noticed that Rock Band 3's PS3 keyboard bundle had disappeared from U.S. retail sites, and asked Harmonix why.…
New controllers from major third-party game controller manufacturer Mad Catz won't explode or otherwise malfunction…
Cyborg's high-end R.A.T. 9 gaming mouse and G.L.I.D.E. mouse pad are being shown off in Cologne, Germany during…
Shots of MadCatz' new line of Call of Duty: Black Ops peripherals have surfaced and well, yes, the controllers are…
Daigo Umehara, yes that guy, has won the Evo 2010 Super Street Fighter IV championship title.
The next version of Rock Band is going "Pro," adding a new keyboard controller, a 102-button, six-string guitar…
Mad Catz once again proves its mastery of slapping new graphics onto existing products with the Blazblue: Continuum…
Chris Hu, a member of fighting game forum Shoryuken.com, lost everything in fire in New York's Chinatown. Hu and…
Thomas "The Hitman" Hearns was the first man to win titles in four different weight classes. That was more than 20…
Beside the economic downturn, third-party peripheral maker Mad Catz is doing just fine.
Hot off the success of their licensed Street Fighter tournament edition fight sticks in the U.S., Mad Catz is…
Made of solid steel, Saitek's X65F Pro Flight stick doesn't actually move when you use it to fly a plane, instead…
Peripheral and controller maker Mad Catz is getting into the "lifestyle orientated mice and PC keyboards" game,…
A new year, a new Street Fighter and a new update to Mad Catz's tournament edition fight stick. We went hands-on…
Guitar Hero is a franchise that catapulted Red Octane and Harmonix directly into the money pit, but not everyone…
Mad Catz, once known for concentrating more on quantity than quality, is turning over a new leaf, the company's…