The good thing about The Old Republic booth is that it sure looks all Old Republically. Just imagine publisher…
From the 1:50 point, though, things get boring again.
TIE Fighter was released in 1994, a time in which serving as the instrument of an oppressive, corrupt government…
Jim Ward, former president of LucasArts, is running as a Republican to represent Arizona's 5th Congressional…
During a podcast chit-chat with PC Gaming Now, Telltale's Dave Grossman has revealed that, once his team is done…
Super Nintendo Entertainment System classic Super Star Wars hits the Wii's Virtual Consol today for 800 points,…
Now, they didn't say it wasn't TIE Fighter, either. But it's a pretty safe bet this Tweet from LucasArts cools off…
All I wanted to do when I played the newest Star Wars game on the PSP was fire the ion cannon. I became immature…
Back at GDC in 2006, Lucasarts showed off some footage of a "next-gen" Indiana Jones game. It looked great! Fast…
With LucasArts in a re-releasing and re-making mood, with classic games on Steam and the Monkey Island remake on…
It's not that we don't think Monkey Island: Special Edition looked bad. It looks great! But if it had looked as good…
The PlayStation 3 version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, released last September will receive a patch for Trophy…
Gotta love this Monkey Island renaissance. Not only does it get us new Monkey Island games, it gets us new Monkey…
OK, so, you look like Isaac from Dead Space, and the Emperor's VO is loud enough to make me think this was a…
LucasArts announced at today's Star Wars Spectacular panel new downloadable content for Star Wars: The Force…
Hey, kids! Time to put that iPhone (or iPod Touch!) to good use, as Lucasarts have just released the rather…
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition is a tough one to review. It's not really fair to review the game, is…
You poor thing. You didn't watch the videos, did you? You went and bought Indiana Jones: Staff of Kings on Wii,…
If your Xbox 360 version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is missing an action-pack adventure inside a ruined Jedi…
LucasArts may be ready to drop some new downloadable content for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, as five new Xbox…