Who's hyping its Comic-Con showing now? LucasArts! The publisher of all things Star Wars and Indiana Jones is…
There was a time when gaming was left more to the imagination than the pixel-count. When the written word was…
LucasArts Games promises to unveil exciting news based on an existing franchise on Monday.
Telltale Games aims to bring the comedy, adventure and swashbuckling of the classic Monkey Island games to a whole…
After what feels like a decade of asking for it, Lucasarts have finally begun to re-release their classic adventure…
We may never see the full-blown glory of what was to be Star Wars: Battlefront III coming to a console, but at…
There's something very important you need to know about The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition: It may look…
Still-in-development massively multiplayer online title Star Wars The Old Republic comes packed with voice acting,…
Take a look at the updated artwork for the upcoming Xbox Live Arcade and PC remake of The Secret of Monkey Island…
Star Wars: The Old Republic might be all talk; but talking never looked as badass as it does in this new trailer of…
BioWare and Lucasart's Star Wars: Old Republic MMO is going to be the world's first large-scale massively…
The rumors of a remake of the original Monkey Island for Xbox Live Arcade are true, but it gets much better, as…
Since Kingdom of the Crystal Skull barely had enough content for a movie, Traveller's Tales is including reworked…
LucasArts backs up the ESRB listings for Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron for the Nintendo DS and PSP with an…
It appears that LucasArts has more droid-slaying, lightsaber-swinging action planned in the Star Wars Battlefront…
Both a mysteriously disappearing German rating and sources close to Adventure Gamers seem to indicate that a special…
This clip, from the upcoming Indiana Jones & The Staff of Kings for the Wii, shows how Indy's famous whip works.…
Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes is being developed by LucasArts and Krome Studios as a two-player coop…
If you can stomach any more of Yoda's by-now insufferably clichéd inverted predicate/subject bullshit, here's the…