Marvel's universe-spanning "Infinity" event is coming to turn-based social RPG Avengers Alliance, where it will…
When you first boot up JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle, you'll likely head right into the story mode to…
Industry luminary Ian Bogost demonstrates why I put the words "industry luminary" in front of his name, with this beautiful answer to a nagging Facebook survey question.
Voted least likely to be the subject of a drunken 'Let's Play' video on YouTube, here King's social/mobile puzzle…
At yesterday's Marvel Games panel at the San Diego Comic-Con, Playdom revealed exciting plans for its social/mobile…
Okay, that explains why Kevin Smith's hetero lifemate Jason Mewes was hanging out at the Popcap both at San Diego…
January of this year marked the first time in ages a non-Zynga game made it to the top of the Facebook app charts,…
If there was any doubt how globally pervasive King's Facebook and mobile puzzler Candy Crush Saga has grown, one…
Avengers Alliance, the oddly-compelling Marvel-themed turn-based role-playing game that I had serious trouble…
While fans of the war between plant life and human undeath wait anxiously for July's Plants Vs. Zombies 2, the…
Continuing the streamlining of its web-based social game business, Zynga has announced that it will be closing Empires & Allies, Dream Zoo and Zynga City, the Chinese version of CityVille on Tencent. That's in addition to The Ville, confirmed for closure earlier this week.
Well before the first episode aired on HBO late last month, members of Boston-based developer Disruptor Beam had…
EA has announced that three of their Facebook games, The Sims Social, SimCity Social and Pet Society, will be going offline on June 14.
Next week folks will be able to sign up for without Facebook, as the company explores its independence. Read more
Coming soon to Android, iPad and Facebook, Gameloft's Uno & Friends will probably deliver a much more relaxing…
With more than 10 million monthly players between Facebook and the Mac app store, Cmune's UberStrike is one of the…
Launched just this week, Rumble Entertainment's KingsRoad is about as far from a traditional Facebook game as you…
There's nothing wrong with social games, m'kay? Social games are fine. But maybe it's time to ditch that moniker.…
While time may soon run out on the First Date event in ChefVille, Zynga just couldn't help itself. The ChefVille…