This has been a very good year for video games, but it has been an exceptional year for books about video…
I’m a confirmed believer in the church of video games, a sect whose faith has been rewarded over the past decade, as…
Maybe video games are better without characters? Ian Bogost explores that idea over at The Atlantic and concludes that we should all join The Borg and play Sim games forever. Well okay, there's a little more nuance than that. Read more
"Victory and defeat are just lies told out of two sides of the same mouth. This is the Blue Shell of collapse, the Blue Shell of financial crisis, the Blue Shell of the New Gilded Age." That's game designer/academic Ian Bogost on the most hated and feared pick-up in the Mario Kart series. His essay at Gamasutra is a… Read more
In recent weeks, Facebook has been sending emails imploring me to complete a survey about how they might improve…
Industry luminary Ian Bogost demonstrates why I put the words "industry luminary" in front of his name, with this beautiful answer to a nagging Facebook survey question.
Ian Bogost has written this ironic-yet-thoughtful "Trio of Artisanal Game Reviews" about the meditative PC game Proteus.
Ian Bogost's appraisal of the Wii U looks at the new console and Nintendo's long, twisting history in shifting contexts.
Game designer Peter Molyneux is launching a series of video game experiments. The first one is called "Curiosity",…
Every day, more evidence that Ian Bogost's satirical game-turned-real-game-turned-ironic sensation Cow Clicker has…
You may have already read Leigh Alexander's damn-near definitive recounting of Ian Bogost's satirical Facebook game Cow Clicker
The past year has been one of the strangest ever in the life of game designer, lecturer and author Ian Bogost. It…
A Slow Year, the anthology of "video game poems" Dr. Ian Bogost wrote for the Atari 2600, has published a special…
The Cow Clicker-ing community has been sent on a mission; discover the secrets of Cow ClickARG before the secrets…
Sunday night a team of two dozen Navy SEALs killed Osama Bin Laden. If all goes as planned, you will soon be able…
Are game developers creating games, or are they creating art? In the case of the ten creators showcased in…
Cow Clicker, the send-up of social gaming absurdity, has expanded its parody of all things Facebook with an…
Tron: Legacy has been, at best, a critical disappointment. At worst, well, "a Dora the Explorer movie would be more…
Autumn leaves fall. A cup of coffee cools near a window in the winter. And Ian Bogost has done something risky. He's…
Where is art found in video games? Ian Bogost and a panel of experts tackled this question and more yesterday at The…