Tron: Legacy has been, at best, a critical disappointment. At worst, well, "a Dora the Explorer movie would be more interesting." Who said that? The eight-year-old daughter of noted video game academic Ian Bogost.
Bogost, whose "Cow Clicker" Facebook application this year masterfully blended his talent for games criticism and design, today received a four-paragraph review of Tron: Legacy from his daughter, who suggested that it was "appropriate for blogging." She doesn't mince words: "Now if you've already seen the movie and don't agree with me, then you probably have really bad taste."
Slamming it as "worse than Dora," and delivering fatal levels of boredom, Miss Bogost concludes the $10 ticket would be better spent on the animated Rapunzel biopic Tangled. That's not to say she liked nothing about Tron: Legacy, "The only part I liked was when they played "Separate Ways" by Journey," she said, identifying a song released 19 years before she was born.
"I guess if you like to sit and watch Boom! Boom! Boom! for two hours you can go see it," she writes.
I think we know from which side of the family she got her criticism gene.
Review of Tron Legacy (by my Eight-Year-Old) []