Keep in mind: these figures are early and official numbers are forthcoming. On December 10, Call of Duty: Modern…
The Japanese version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 features a discrepancy in the localization — and content, it…
While Infinity Ward work to get a patch onto the PS3 to combat the "javelin exploit", 360 owners should know the…
Modern Warfare 2 update 1.05 has gone out for the PS3, but everyone will have to wait for patch 1.06 to fix the…
While Infinity Ward works up a fix for the infamous suicide-bombing "javelin glitch" in Modern Warfare 2, Xbox…
Playing Modern Warfare 2 is like being in a big budget Hollywood action flick. No wonder the game's director Keith…
Modern Warfare 2 players growing bored with today's killing technology can get their bloodlust fix in the World War…
According to Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling, a large number of Modern Warfare 2 players on PC were banned over the…
Needless to say, when a game sells as many copies as Modern Warfare 2 has, there'll be millions of people hanging…
How time changes men. In 2007, Infinity Ward were gushing over the important things in Call of Duty 4's PC version,…

Not a speed-run, but this Zero Punctuation-style rundown of Modern Warfare 2 provides a Cliffs Notes to the story…
Proving that the Modern Warfare 2 "boycott" was more hollow tantrum than actual boycott, Infinity Ward have revealed…
You remember when "tournament" used to mean knights in armor and jousting and stuff? Of course you don't. Everyone…
Absurd excesses aside, Modern Warfare 2 likes to keep thing pretty straight. Real men, real weapons, real countries.…
Modern Warfare 2 has made about a bazillion dollars so far around the world, but that's not all profit. You've got…
Having two teams dedicated to annual output of Activision's Call of Duty franchise may not be enough for the…
Modern Warfare isn't funny. Not intentionally, anyways. In an effort to make it funny, our brothers at sister site…
Luke already pointed out that Modern Warfare 2 is an entertainment industry record setter, so today's Activision…
Activision confirms that the controversial "No Russian" mission in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 doesn't appear in…

So Infinity Ward ditched dedicated servers for the PC version of Modern Warfare 2, eh? It's of little consequence,…