Edmund McMillen (of Aether, Gish, and the game that shall not be named) is back with Meat Boy, a challenging little…
I stumbled across this "review" of World of Goo courtesy the boys at Rock, Paper, Shotgun and nearly ruined my…
The results of the inauguaral PAX 10 indie games showcase are in and the audience has spoken. 10 games won spots on…
We're having a slow weekend here at Kotaku: Owen is off, and I'm holed up in bed trying to stave off the flu; Aether…
Talk of how we review games has been swirling about for quite some time now. Many people have commented on the lack…
Ian Bogost sent along this link to his latest little title, this one called Honorarium: "An autobiographical art…
The Escapist has an interesting article up on mainstream industry types who went indie — it delves into the…
While the weekend timewasters at Kotaku are generally free, and Now Boarding — an indie time management/sorting…
About two months back we posted some impressions of Luc Bernard's Eternity's Child, the indie-game, stylized-2D…
During my practically nonexistent downtime, I wandered down to check out the offerings at the E3 installation of Indi…
Bored this summer? GamesRadar has an appallingly expansive (10 pages!) listing of a wide, wide variety of games…
While at E3, I wandered down to check out the Indiecade offerings (I meant to post my impressions earlier, but…
Ever wanted to decimate the world's population or see if you could develop a super-bug that would leave the globe…
GamerBytes, the new blog in the Game Developer/Gamasutra/GameSetWatch line up, chatted with some developers to get…
Another game industry vet has set his eye into social networking to support indie development. Greg Chudecke, who…
I don't have time to waste this weekend, sadly, but if you do, there's a challenging little puzzler called Putty…