While the full story of PS3-exclusive Heavy Rain will ship on the disc, developer Quantic Dream is toying with the…
Quantic Dream's Guillaume de Fondaumièr offered us our third official look at the developer's PlayStation 3 game…
Gamescom brings more Heavy Rain screens and concept art. These all come after Sony showed the game off at its press…
One year ago today I started officially blogging for Kotaku. What better way to celebrate this anniversary than by…
Cut scenes. Some love them, others loathe them. In games like Metal Gear Solid, players sit and watch as cut scenes…
Satisfied with how upcoming thriller Heavy Rain looks? Don't be. Not one to be complacent, developer Quantum Dream…
Day three of E3's clip round up has a lot more gameplay and a lot less hardware to drool over; but you can still get…
Heavy Rain will be released on the PS3 later this year.
You've seen the gameplay footage, now see the screenshots of the gameplay footage. And they're worth a look, giving…
It's been a bad week for PR stunts, yes. So it's heartening to see that when Heavy Rain comes out with gameplay…
Expect less Modern Warfare 2 than Heavy Rain though, as the next full video reveal of Infinity Ward's follow up to Ca…
PlayStation 3 blockbusters like God of War III and MAG may not make a 2009 release after all, according to a…
Been some big(ish) names doing video game voice work of late. Robert Downey Jr. Ron Perlman. Kristen Bell. But are…
People are really looking forward to Heavy Rain. And with good cause! Problem is, developers Quantic Dream aren't…
Eurogamer recently had the chance to visit Quantic Dream to see their new PlayStation 3 adventure Heavy Rain in…
Don't expect to see the heroine of Heavy Rain leaping through the air in some abominable mash-up of Cirque du Soleil…
It's not hard to argue that if nothing else, Heavy Rain looks pretty unbelievable. I'm just wondering when we are…
Seeing as it's the spiritual successor to Fahrenheit, we can expect Heavy Rain to try a few novel things in the…
Quantic Dream's David Cage walked us through a Heavy Rain demo at Games Convention last week, giving us a taste of…
Quantic Dream's David Cage walked us through a playable version of the developer's shrouded in mystery PlayStation 3…