Looks like Europe isn't just getting a collector's edition of PS3 adventure Heavy Rain; the Old World will also be…
The ESRB has given Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain an M for Mature rating, explaining the game's drug use, violence,…
No doubt about it, Heavy Rain's box art for North America is a train wreck, if two trains overcame their apathy long…
Heavy Rain's Europe-only Special Edition, first announced last month, has now been shown off by Sony Computer…
French developer Quantic Dream, the studio behind the upcoming Heavy Rain, has spoken at length about sexes in game…
If you have a discriminating eye for fine video game box art and were rendered inconsolable by the visual blight…
What is it with American publishers - Sony Computer Entertainment in particular - and ruining nice pieces of foreign…
Don't be sad! Quantic Dreams' interactive cinematic exploration of sorrow now has an official release date of…
This is the Japanese language trailer for upcoming thriller Heavy Rain.
Adult games and games for adults are different. European developer Quantic Dream doesn't just dream of making…
While there are some who believe Heavy Rain creator David Cage is a gifted man, others think he (and his games) are…
Heavy Rain's pre-order DLC in the US won't be pre-order DLC in Europe. Instead, it'll be part of the Heavy Rain:…
It's December. That means Playboy magazine dedicates a handful of pages from its end of year issue to naked video…
If you've already made up your mind to buy Heavy Rain for the PlayStation 3 next year, what harm could possibly come…
Quantic Dream manages to evoke true human emotion in these screenshots from heavy rain, but how can someone be sad…
Americans who prefer to play uncensored games had to import the European version of the last video game developed by…
In the interest of establishing a mood and not having it ruined by a Trophy alert, the developers of 2010…
In its opening chapters, Heavy Rain is a quiet downer, a rare — for a video game — persistently sad experience. That…
The upcoming Heavy Rain features a sequence in which its female protagonist is forced to strip for a disgusting mob…
Look at all that peace! And reflection! And wholesome, loving time spent with a beautiful family! Wonder if…