If you've ever had the thought "I wish my Guitar Hero controller had a working spit valve" this is the hardware mod…
Wait... it gets even better. Mr. Bush writes to Transformers fan resource Seibertron.com to let music enthusiasts…
Contrary to your assumptions, Guitar Hero and Rock Band are not sneered at by all serious musicians.
Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett calls Guitar Hero: Metallica calls the game collaboration a "no brainer" and a…
Activision sell a lot of copies of Guitar Hero. Ever stop to wonder, though, what the breakdown is between sales of…
After the release of Guitar Hero: Metallica, Guitar Hero: Greatest Hits and Guitar Hero: Modern Hits, Activision has…
While it's been no secret that Activision has been planning a Modern Hits sequel to its Guitar Hero: On Tour series…
So why didn't they just film them, save themselves a few months of animation work?
Another Guitar Hero TV spot, another model in underthings.
While Activision has already made Guitar Hero: Greatest Hits public knowledge, we didn't know what the publisher…
Guitar manufacturer Gibson's grand plans to sue Activision over its Guitar Hero series have been dashed, as the…
Here's two more Guitar Hero: Metallica trailers, featuring Motorhead and King Diamond, showing the headbanging…
Activision like to exploit franchises. Guitar Hero is probably their biggest. So when a new platform - the Google…
Uh. Whoops. Somebody at Activision thought it would be a good idea to put all the game's featured band names on the…
Activision will squeeze more cash from the stone that is Guitar Hero with Guitar Hero:Greatest Hits. No, not Modern…
The fate of Double Fine Productions' Brütal Legend has been in doubt before, but without the success of Harmonix and…
We just got sent this in tips by Tiago Martins, who created Headbang Hero along with Andreas Zingerle and Ricardo…
Amateur musician summer camp Power Chord Academy is using Rock Band and Guitar Hero in two new courses designed for…
Activision will once again throw tons of cash at the Guitar Hero franchise via NASCAR endorsement, as it sponsors…