Earlier this May, supposed "leaked" photos from a Chinese plant showed what's reported to be the PS3 Slim. The…
But it's one the German people are beginning to hit back against, as evidenced by this protest in the German city of…
A work in progress for the better part of a year, Funcom is finally ready to take the next step with Age of Conan,…
We thought WiiSpray - a Wii mod put together by a couple of German design students - was pretty neat. We're not the…
With less than two months until Europe tries to transplant the tremendous success of the Leipzig Gamescon to the…
Germany's latest demagogue tantrum against "killerspiele" - violent video games - could be shrugged off as hot air,…
Former German politician Martin Budich is in hot water for invoking violence...against Nazis...with Bomberman.
While Activision's plans for a Guitar Hero game highlighting the music and career of Van Halen is a poorly kept…
Heini Schmitt (pictured), head of the Hessen German Police Union, spouts ignorance about "killerworlds" and…
Following last week's tragic shooting rampage in Germany that left fifteen dead, German retailer Galeria Kaufhof is…
i am 8-bit is as influential as gaming art shows get. But it doesn't just influence artists. It influences art…
More details of the shooting linked to video games over in Germany: The shooter was playing Far Cry 2, and…
In case you missed the news earlier today, German teenager Tim Kretschmer went on a shooting rampage. Killed fifteen…
In September, something smelled fishy. EA went out of their way to say that Dead Space had been "banned" in Germany,…
Next time we want a hands-on with a Frogster product we might not have to travel to Germany, as the Berlin-based…
"Chess" is the last thing that comes to mind when someone mentions Sonic the Hedgehog. There are other things we…
Earlier this week, we noticed that the German box art for Left 4 dead had been edited. Some gore removed, an extra…
[UPDATE - EA contacted us to let us know the German version has two covers; a paper sleeve and the actual DVD case.…
Predictable. And in more ways than one. According to Microsoft, Gears of War 2 won't be seeing a release in either…
Platinum Games' MadWorld looks great. Really getting the most out of that Wii hardware. Should be a blast! But if…