Gearbox Software's loot-centric first-person shooter Borderlands recently got an update, one that added Steam…
NECA Toys will bring Borderlands' helpful unicycling robot Claptrap to store shelves in toy form this October,…
It may have taken a bit longer, but today Gearbox Software was kind enough to send along this batch of free codes…
It could become the never-ending game.
Randy Pitchford, head of Gearbox Software, makes games and performs magic. On the red carpet for the awards out…
After a first Brothers in Arms on iPhone that turned the World War II series into a third-person shooter, series…
Gearbox Software and 2K Games will take the currently release downloadable content for their hit Borderlands and…
Gearbox Software has officially announced and detailed the third and "largest" helping of downloadable content for…

A post on has fans pondering the connection between Borderlands, a comic-shaded video game that begins…
The second expansion for Gearbox Software's Borderlands is now accepting contestants and Microsoft Points. Mad…
Scott Miller, the 3D Realms cofounder who came out looking somewhat better than eternally dithering partner George…
For 70 minutes today Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford was game to talk about anything and everything you could throw at…
Randy Pitchford, the man behind Gearbox Software, the studio behind Borderlands is today's guest host on our live…
While our boss is away, Gearbox Software's boss plays, when the Borderlands developer's head honcho Randy Pitchford…
The main man behind Borderlands, Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford, will be our guest host on the Kotaku call-in podcast…
While Gearbox Software has been busy readying at least two batches of downloadable content for shooter-RPG…
Gearbox Software pumps out Borderlands' second batch of downloadable content later this month (for the Xbox 360 at…
With developer Gearbox Software calling a Borderlands sequel a "no-brainer" and the title called out as one of the…
Borderlands expands Pandora's borders with the downloadable Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, a new landmass that's infected…
Who's excited about fresh Borderlands content? Even if it's zombie-related? I know I am, planning on downloading The…