Gearbox Software's Borderlands, while entertaining, is not perfect. From a technical standpoint anyway, things could…
Gearbox Software's shooter-RPG hybrid is an addictive blend of loot hunting and cooperative play. Now that the game…
Now that Borderlands has been out for a few days and Gearbox has had some time to work out the kinks, it's time to…
The PlayStation 3 version of Borderlands is a bit broken, according to early reports from owners of that game. The…
Gearbox Software's Borderlands is part first-person shoot 'em up, part role-playing game, a dusty slog across the…
Randy Pitchford, the man, trusts Valve, the company responsible for Steam. Randy Pitchford, the businessman and…
I've scoured the Arid Hills in search of the monstrous Moe and Marley, hunted the winged and clawed predators of…
Gearbox Software is head to PAX, bringing with it playable copies of its upcoming shooter-RPG Borderlands. Since…
Gearbox Software let loose final box art for Borderlands today, certainly one of the more unique game covers we've…
There have been lots of assumptions that Borderlands and Brothers In Arms developer Gearbox Software was hard at…
The "well-known developer" behind the recently unearthed Duke Nukem series spin-off Duke Begins has been named in…
Brothers In Arms developer Gearbox Software recently filed four new titles for trademark, all ending with "War Hero."…
Brothers In Arms and Borderlands developer Gearbox Software is either taking its World War II shooter series into…
Aliens: Colonial Marines, Gearbox's Aliens shooter, is still very much on, but won't be arriving this year. When it…
Gearbox Software artists are sensitive about the whole cel-shading thing for Borderlands. They like to call it…
Here's a set of E3 2009 screens for Gearbox's Borderlands, in case you felt you were getting a little behind.
You're in the wasteland, taking on quests, picking up look, and wandering around for miles, only this time you're…
Gearbox Software's first-person shooter Aliens: Colonial Marines is apparently still alive and kicking in some…
Gearbox Software's Borderlands has a new look. Just don't call it cel-shaded. It's "concept art style" and it looks…
Gearbox Software passed us the copy of the cover of the June issue of PC Gamer Magazine to show us exactly what…