Back in late 2009, Final Fantasy XIII director Motomu Toriyama wrote on his blog: "The world of Final Fantasy XIII…
It's East meets West. A Japanese gamer has inserted Final Fantasy XIII heroine Lightning into The Elder Scrolls V:…
In today's fully Fahey-approved edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Paradox Me makes an argument for the…

Meet Yuko Oshima. She's 23. She's famous. And she's testing Final Fantasy XIII-2.

The PlayStation folks are promising we'll "See beyond the doors"—the doors at the tail end of the above teaser…
The video game cutscene has undergone a lot of transformations over the past couple of decades, and many games these…
Square Enix is releasing the sequel to Final Fantasy XIII in Japan this December. It's called Final Fantasy XIII-2.…
After the whole Final Fantasy XIII hullabaloo, a FF break was in order. The world didn't get that. It got Final…
Look! It's an actual town, complete with people with ellipses over their heads, indicating that they wish to speak…
As you may or may not be able to tell, this is Final Fantasy XIII running on a glasses-free Toshiba television.
I've always thought that Final Fantasy XIII didn't get a fair shake. Admittedly, it was an overwhelmingly linear…
Square Enix is doing a sequel to role-playing game Final Fantasy XIII called Final Fantasy XIII-2. This is it!…
Japan is getting a new custom PS3, a limited Tales of Xillia one. This isn't the first limited PS3 for Japan. There…

It has come to my attention that we might, within a few short years, find ourselves living on a planet devoid of…
Remember 2008? Good Lord, was it nearly three years ago, at E3, that Square Enix announced Final Fantasy XIII would…
In today's fairly straightforward episode of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Monsieur Froid wonders why so many…
In role-playing game Final Fantasy XIII, the protagonist Lightning didn't have a house. She had one. That is, until…

In today's Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Konaa finishes Final Fantasy XIII "mostly" enjoys it, except for that damn…
Watch, as Final Fantasy XIII comes to life before your very eyes.
When Square Enix is making heroines, it might start with the character's back story or her role in the story. For…