Reseach firm Nielsen has hit the streets and found out what American kids are after this holiday season (and the few…
Never mind that we don't know how much a Nintendo 3DS game costs to buy, developers need to develop the games…
The Nintendo 3DS is a glasses-free 3D gaming portable due next February for ¥25,000 (US$299). That's a long ways…
It looks like the GameStop Black Friday ads hit stores today. We've had a number of tipsters sending in lists and…
It was inevitable, bound to happen. There's now a Japanese adult video knock off of Konami's 2009 love simulator…
After images of the snappy red DSi XL popped up on a U.S. retail site, it seemed like the handheld would be coming…
That very snappy red DSi XL that was minted for Super Mario Bros' 25th birthday? It looks like it's coming to the US…
Remember how Nintendo screwed everyone with a DSi over who either bought a new DSi or moved over to the DSi XL? No.…
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of Super Mario Bros., Nintendo will next month release this rather fetching…
Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of sales and marketing, is leaving not just Nintendo…
People puzzling in the streets of San Francisco during Nintendo's Professor Layton and the Unwound Future special…
Starting Sept. 12 Nintendo will be dropping the price of the DSi to $150 and the price of the DSi XL to $170. The…
At the San Francisco Zoo yesterday, photographer Christina Spicuzza captured five pictures of gorillas playing…
This July a new DSi XL color will be making its way to the US. That color is "Midnight Blue".
This is classic side-scrolling Mario Bros action, a successor to the original Super Mario games. The new moves in…
This is classic side-scrolling Mario Bros action, a successor to the original Super Mario games. The new moves in…
Love Plus+ plus Nintendo's DSi XL plus schoolgirls. Keyword: plus.
Nintendo plans to drop the price of the DSi and DSi XL in Japan the weekend following E3.
Japan isn't only The Land of the Rising Sun. It's also The Land of Xbox 360 Indifference. There must be a way to…