Out of all the characters and monsters in Dragon Quest, there is no better one for a rug than Liquid Metal Slime.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is one of the most recognizable games of all time, with an iconic overworld…
This is Hamako Mori. At 89, she’s not new to video games. She has been playing them for nearly four decades.
The first three games of famous Japanese role-playing game series Dragon Quest are coming to the Switch, Square Enix…
Since video games have significantly lower stakes than real-world decisions, I am, as a rule, happy to be a reckless…
Dragon Quest Walk, Square Enix’s version of Pokémon Go, will be released in Japan on September 12. No word yet on an international release yet.
This week, Nintendo put out a demo for the Switch version of Dragon Quest XI, and it’s got at least a few new…
Earlier this morning, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate director Masahiro Sakurai took some time to show off the game’s…
Today, Smash daddy Masahiro Sakurai announced that Dragon Quest’s Hero fighter will arrive in Super Smash Bros. Ultim…
In Dragon Quest Builders 2, you play as a little anime friend who knows how to build stuff in a world where building…
The first Dragon Quest Builders was an underrated gem, a delightful game that proved that Dragon Quest and Minecraft …
Just like they did with the PS4 back in 2017, Square Enix is releasing a Dragon Quest slime controller for the…
Smash Ultimate is finally getting a hero: a Dragon Quest hero, that is. Today at E3, Nintendo announced that heroes…
Today, Square Enix announced Dragon Quest Walk, an augmented-reality game based on Dragon Quest that encourages…
The wind blew you here. Surely it was not by chance. Will you hear my tale?
Last week, the debut trailer for a full CG Dragon Quest anime was released. You’d think that all Japanese Dragon…
There’s a new animated Dragon Quest movie headed to Japanese theaters in August, and the first full trailer for it…
Dragon Quest XI features a collection of gut-wrenching, bittersweet redemption stories.
Playing a main series Dragon Quest game is a serious time investment. I’ve finished half of them, and the last three…
Dragon Quest XI is releasing for the Switch in Japan during 2019. It’ll be called Dragon Quest XI S, and while details are thin currently, it will have a significant amount of voice acting. There’s no word yet on a release date or whether it will release outside Japan.