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There’s a new trailer for Destiny 2's Season of the Worthy which starts March 10. It looks like it’s based around teaming back up with Rasputin to defend the Last City by powering up Seraph Towers through public events and clearing out bunkers with wanted enemies in them. 

Destiny 2's Corridors of Time is going away. The Season of Dawn location and its hidden lore drops will no longer be available come January 28. Meanwhile, the quest for the exotic weapon Bastion that players spent thousands of hours working on last week can now be gotten from Sain-14 instead.

Bungie plans to make one of Destiny 2's best sniper rifles less frustrating to obtain. The rare bounty that randomly drops to get Izanagi’s Burden, a Black Armory exotic sniper rifle, will be “less of a pain” to get after an update later this month said the game’s community manager
