![Image for article titled Destiny 2 Taken Offline Again After Players Lose Currency, Materials [Update]](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/nrs3fishn3d3coorzcxh.jpg)
Bungie has once again taken Destiny 2 offline, following fresh reports of some players losing crafting materials following today’s hotfix.
“Destiny 2 is being brought offline for emergency maintenance. Stand by for updates,” Bungie announced on Twitter earlier this afternoon. Today’s update was small, addressing problems with certain achievements not being properly recorded and changing the price of a single set of emotes in the Eververse store. However, it also apparently caused players to lose upgrade modules, ascendant shards, and other resources.
This is the second time in two weeks that Destiny 2 has gone down for emergency maintenance after a hotfix went live. On January 28 the game was taken offline for nearly 10 hours after players reported losing in-game currency and materials, with Bungie ultimately needing to roll back player accounts to before the latest patch in order to fix the problem.
It’s currently unclear how long the game will continue to be offline or if Bungie will need to roll back player accounts a second time, though plenty of players on the game’s subreddit and Twitter are already frustrated about potentially losing any rewards gained while playing after today’s hotfix went live.
[Update - 3:46 p.m.]: Bungie says it’s found the source of the inventory bug and will indeed be rolling back players’ accounts once again to before today’s update went live in order to solve the problem. The studio says Destiny 2 will stay offline until approximately 10:00 p.m. ET.
[Update - 1:41 p.m., 2/12/20]: After bringing Destiny 2 back online Bungie shared a detailed breakdown on its blog of the inventory issue and why it happened twice, as well as safeguards its put in place to try and prevent a similar bug from slipping into the game in the future.