A bristly researcher taking a one-way trip into an ancient alien cave. A gruff warrior making one last stand against…
Bungie is radically reworking how build customization works for Destiny 2’s upcoming Stasis subclasses.
We got our first look at Destiny 2's new Stasis subclass and its abilities in a new trailer during Gamescom today,…
Bungie went into more detail about what precisely will be disappearing from Destiny 2 later this year, when the…
If you’re gaming on a capped internet plan—where you have a monthly download limit—you might be interested to know…
Hello darkness my old friend, please just give me the cool-looking Destiny 2 armor before I get too angry, tired,…
Destiny 2's next annual expansion, Beyond Light, has been delayed until November 10, Bungie announced today.
Prophecy is a three-person mini-raid full of gorgeous skyboxes and fun puzzles, both of which are on full display in…
Destiny 2 has had a ton of great, overpowered guns over the years, but Ruinous Effigy, the latest exotic weapon to…
Raids are some of the hardest but most rewarding parts of Destiny 2. If you’ve spent any amount of time playing the…
I’ve been having a surprisingly good time a week into playing Destiny 2’s latest season. But for all it does well,…
Behold Sanctified Mind, the big boss from last year’s Garden of Salvation Raid, instantly melting before the power…
I’m enjoying the little things in Destiny 2’s latest season. A giant bow that looks like you could windsurf on it.…
After weeks of relative silence about what’s in store for the future of Destiny 2, Bungie opened the floodgates…
Destiny 2's next annual expansion, Beyond Light, will arrive on September 22.
Today, before revealing the upcoming content planned for Destiny 2 later this year, Bungie paid tribute to George…
Today thousands of gamers around the world met in Destiny 2 and then spent like a solid hour waiting and waiting and…
Destiny 2 had it’s first big Fortnite-style live event today with players crowding around to watch as the Almighty…
It looks like the giant spaceship currently hurtling toward Earth in Destiny 2 will get blown up tomorrow. Saturday, June 6 at 1:00 p.m. ET “we take aim at the Almighty,” Bungie tweeted today. It’s not clear what that means exactly, but it sounds similar to a Fortnite-style live event.