Today, before revealing the upcoming content planned for Destiny 2 later this year, Bungie paid tribute to George Floyd, killed just over two weeks ago while in custody of the Minneapolis police.
“8 minutes 46 seconds,” began Bungie’s livestream. “This marks the time in which George Floyd was killed.” The studio proceeded to have 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence while it called on viewers to take action regarding police violence and systemic racism through a series of slides, encouraging viewers to “Sign up. Donate. Organize. Mobilize.”

“We need to do more than just talk about racism in America,” the studio wrote. “We need to do more than listen to the cries of our Black communities. We need to do more than learn about the systemic racial injustice all around the world.”
Bungie concluded the opening of the livestream by sharing a list of organizations viewers could contribute to.
Looking for ways to advocate for black lives? Check out this list of resources by our sister site Lifehacker for ways to get involved.