I have a fear of horror films, and by extension horror games. I'm just too attenuated to suspense and having the…
The makers of Dead Space 2 have put out a call for gruesome dismemberment ideas to be included in the game. The top…
The Infected. Los Ganados. Majini. Parasite hosts. Some of the biggest "zombie" games in recent years don't feature…
Fresh off the release of Dante's Inferno and with plenty of time between now Dead Space 2's release, developer…
Over the past few years, EA has been quite kind to PC gamers, bringing the platform ports of games like Mirror's…
Visceral Games' Dead Space 2 may not be the next game you play in the sci-fi franchise. Recent surveys point to an…
Reader BilliousB, a resident of Montreal, heard about a local artist that specialised in airbrush work. So he…
Chalk this one up to weird. Visceral Games has announced a Europe-only "Death Edition" of Dante's Inferno that will…
That Dead Space 2 issue of Game Informer has hit people's mailboxes, and it's full of proper details on the game.…
So far, we've seen two Dead Space 2 pics. One piece of stupid marketing, and the cover of a magazine. May as well…
For the record, just past midnight Saturday Kotaku commenter pablopdlc deciphered the Unitology scrawl on the Dead…
Unfortunately, it very well may be. This Rorschach inkblot-esque image was recently uploaded by what appears to be…
The official announcement of a proper sequel to Electronic Arts' spacey survival horror hit Dead Space feels like old…
Only two days left to get me your pumpkins if you want 'em posted. Today's patch features more Mario Bros., Aliens…
How can a video game be scary? Unlike horror movies where you're stuck watching some hapless victim succumb to scary…
I went back for a second look at MySims Agents specifically to see the spooky mansion level. It turns out there's…
The Variety report from earlier today that said there's a live-action Dead Space movie in the works also has some…
Forget that Dead Space animated film. Please. Instead, let's all try and be optimistic about a Dead Space live…
Not one to be left behind, Electronics Art has announced that another one of their video games will be getting a…
When he wasn't expressing excitement that one of the people attending his demo writes for legendary horror magazine…