GayGamer.Net's PixelPoet had a novel response to the "Sin to Win" fiasco at Comic-Con - send a shot of himself with…
The San Diego Comic-Con draws more than a hundred thousand people from around the world each year to revel in all…
"The brass BALLS on EA to put a bounty on OTHER booth girls," writes one woman, a costumed rep fed up with the…
Can the Dante's Inferno marketers do anything right? At E3, they had that phony religious wingnut protest. Now…
Electronic Arts is asking Comic-Con goers to "sin to win" a dinner and "sinful night with two hot girls, a limo…
Dante's Inferno is getting a video game called Dante's Inferno. It's also getting a cartoon based on the game…
While EA's Dante's Inferno video game allows you to explore the darkest depths of hell, the animated feature goes…
EA and DC Comics have teamed up to create a comic book mini-series based off of the upcoming Dante's Inferno video…
So Dante's Inferno is "EA does God of War". Doesn't bother us. Dead Space was "EA does Resident Evil", and it was gre…
We didn't report on Electronic Arts' staged protest of Dante's Inferno at E3 because it was an obviously fake…
The three works of Dante's Divine Comedy are ripe with possibility. Each of the books paint compelling pictures of…
Creative Minx Marketing and Electronic Arts penned a deal today to turn a slew of EA games into t-shirts,…
Is there some game developer's guidebook that I don't know about? If so, I need to find it and tear out the page…
So, yeah, there will be a version of Dante's Inferno on the PlayStation Portable. This is what it will look like.
We already knew that Dante's Inferno was coming for the PC, 360 and PS3. We did not know that a PSP version was also…
Like Dead Space before it, EA are serious enough about this "new intellectual property" thing with Dante's Inferno…
Dante's Inferno was a poem. Now it's not only a game, but a movie as well, with the movie based not on the poem, but…
We dove head-first into Hell with EA yesterday with that Dante's Inferno trailer, so today, we'll restrict ourselves…
The first trailer for EA's take on Dante's Inferno didn't show much. Looked a little, well, "conceptual". This…
Details on Electronic Arts' video game interpretation of Dante's Inferno, announced last October, have been hard to…