The Spike Video Game Awards have Neil Patrick Harris hosting and some 13 world premieres? Big deal. German…
The Spike Video Game Awards have Neil Patrick Harris hosting and some 13 world premieres? Big deal. German…
Some bands may borrow the aesthetic of Minecraft for their songs, but I think this may be one of the first…
Gamers have just six days left to earn three new free cars for Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit.
The World of Warcraft Cataclysm collector's edition made it to the roof of our New York offices today, as part of…
This may not be to everyone's tastes, but it's certainly to mine, as a man freestyle raps his way through an entire…
I've been playing, and enjoying, Killzone 3's multiplayer beta for a few weeks now. But singleplayer? Hadn't seen so…
There's a delightful little saying we have here in Australia, which goes a little something like (NSFW) "glass the…
You're in the company rec room, why not play the Nintendo Wii? You just had a nabe party, you up for some Wii? Hey,…
Is this Gran Turismo 5, or a collision between car-shaped Thanksgiving Day Parade floats?
Gametrailers got a three-minute look at Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2 due early next year from Capcom. Packed with…
Video of what looks like a PlayStation Phone prototype hit YouTube earlier today. Physically it looks very much…
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles can argue all they want, there is only one true answer to the question of who gets…
The Spire is an upcoming adventure game that is played entirely in first-person, is made by a small indie studio and…
This is what happens when a 25-man Alliance raiding party sacks their own capital city - with rock. They may not…
Not only did viewers of last night's episode of Nikita get to see Maggie Q in a bathing suit, they also got a…
OK, they didn't really build it. But Nintendo did send along the supplies, complete with Nintendo-themed candies.…
Classic Battlefield: Vietnam map Operation Hastings is coming to Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam, but only…
You know in Predator how the creature is able to cloak itself in the surroundings and appear almost invisible?…
This is our first look at Telltale's upcoming Back to the Future series of adventure games. If you enjoyed any of…
The X-Men's resident badass Wolverine sure plays a mean pinball, and fans can too when Zen Studios unleashes four…