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NSFW: Rap Makes Call Of Duty Better

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This may not be to everyone's tastes, but it's certainly to mine, as a man freestyle raps his way through an entire round of Call of Duty: Black Ops' multiplayer.

It shows you all it's going to show you by around 1:30, so if it's grating you don't feel required to sit around and watch the entire thing. Though skip out then and you'll miss "Campin' in a fuckin' doorway", which for delivery and context is probably my favourite musical line of 2010.

Makes me wish more guys did this kind of thing for more interesting games. Where's the rap battle over a round of Fat Princess? Or a 16-minute epic penned in honour of Betrayal at Krondor?

Black Ops Live Gun Game Freestyle [PaperBatVG @ YouTube]